HUST-DfG Njombe team towards Menstrual Hygiene (MH) Day May 28th, 2023
The HUST-DfG Njombe team completed well her mission at Maria Nyerere Girls secondary school between May 15th and 16th. Kindly, visit LINK to see what they did.

Towards Bunge Secondary School
HUST-DfG team Towards Bunge Secondary School
Today the HUST-DfG team of two members left Njombe this morning for Dodoma Capital City to nationally celebrate . The MH Day is celebrated worldwide on May 28th every year. This celebration is a chance to highlight the importance of menstrual care and raise awareness about the issues faced by those who don't have access to MHM information and education, MHM sanitary products, and MHM water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities. The team will be in Dodoma from May 25th up to 29th providing MHM education on one to one basis at their display table.